*Please pickup your samples tomorrow or Wednesday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at 101 S. Pennsylvania St., park at the corner of Maryland/Pennsylvania and text 3175185670 when you are there. If you are joining at Joe's Grille, you do not have to pickup your samples, they will be available when you get there.
Join us for a tour and tasting with Frey Ranch Distillery on Wednesday, Dec. 14 from 7-8pm! They have a prepared a great tour as well as a tasting including a distillery-only release that they sent NBC for tasting exclusively outside of Nevada. We will have two options for tasting, you can join us in person at Joe's Grille Westfield or virtually through Zoom. Sample pickup will be during our event on Sunday Dec. 11 at Joe's Grille or downtown the following week from 9am-2pm at 101 S. Pennsylvania St.
Everyone is welcome to join the Zoom meeting and learn about this awesome distillery out in Fallon, NV!
Naptown Bourbon club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Naptown Bourbon Club and Frey Ranch Tasting
Time: Dec 14, 2022 07:00 PM America/Indiana/Indianapolis
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 0792 7635
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